Trip to Cuba – July 2022
18 – 24 JULY

Havana (meet and greet, settle in, enjoy the BEAUTIFUL boutique accommodation in Havana Vieja)
Depending on timings of arrivals – dinner & drinks in a REALLY COOL PLACE.
INCLUDED: airport transport, accommodation
NOT INCLUDED: dinner, drinks
Explore Havana Vieja (with someone who knows it well!)
Free afternoon to plan as we please.
Sunset trip along El Malecon in a convertible car – because it has to be done!
Dinner, drinks and dancing in an EVEN COOLER PLACE.
INCLUDED: accommodation, breakfast, all activities, dinner
NOT INCLUDED: lunch, drinks
Supporting the small businesses of Havana with special ‘meet & greets’ with some locals – an experience most tourists don’t get to do.
Dinner & drinks in another REALLY COOL PLACE
INCLUDED: accommodation, all activities
NOT INCLUDED: lunch, dinner, drinks
You’ll be ready to escape the city.
We’ll head west with a couple of unique stop offs:
Firstly via an innovative agroecological paradise in Caimito called Finca Tungasuk, where we’ll take a tour of their farm and learn about their sustainable farming methods, and enjoy a ‘dulce’ and a coffee to keep us going.
We’ll then continue to the village where Ronnie grew up and visit some friends for a traditional home cooked lunch in a humble home – an experience of a lifetime.
You’ll be the only foreigners to visit this village, and this is the time to give any donations you might bring – these people need it.
Continue and check in to Viñales – the accommodation is incredible.
Time to relax, explore the town, or nap in the hammocks sipping mojitos and soaking in the views (I know which I’ll be doing…)
INCLUDED: accommodation, all activities, breakfast, lunch & dinner
Horse riding to our family’s farm and spending the day in the valleys with the farmers.
This will be your favourite day of the trip.
You’ll learn how to roll a cigar, drive an ox-and-plough, cook black beans, test some local coffee, learn about the ‘guajiro’ life in ‘el campo’. You’ll also swim inside a hidden cave.
It will be sweaty and gritty and FUN and there will be rum and good food and even better company.
It most certainly will NOT be the ‘typical tourist horse riding excursion in Viñales’.
INCLUDED: accommodation, all activities, breakfast, lunch & dinner
Sunrise hike, chill time, pool time, time in the hammock in our casa, time helping us plant coconut trees on our land, really a day to catch-up, relax, eat good food, and be in the moment.
Followed by a night at a great live music venue in the town if you’re feeling it.
INCLUDED: accommodation, all activities, breakfast, lunch & dinner
Time to head back to Havana and say our goodbyes.
If you’re staying longer on the island, I can help out with the rest of your trip if you’d like.
INCLUDED: breakfast, transfer to airport or Havana
£1500 GBP double occupancy
(including £500 non-refundable deposit)
£150 surcharge for single occupancy in Havana (not available in Viñales)
To confirm your space on the trip, a £500 non-refundable deposit is required.
This can be paid by: Paypal, Revolut, Monzo or Bank Transfer (fees may be incurred).
You can also choose to send the full payment in advance of the trip, or to send instalments at your leisure until the full payment has been received.
The final payment is due 21days before the trip at the latest. You will get an email reminder when payment is due.
It’s REALLY REALLY important that when you make your payment you DO NOT write the word ‘Cuba’ anywhere in the transaction.
If it asks for a reference please write ‘TRIP’.
I cannot be responsible for any loss of money if the above instruction is not followed.
Miss Cassandra E Yeldham
Sort Code: 40-19-27
Account: 81301004
Cancellations prior to 30 days before the trip are 50% refundable (minus the £500 initial deposit).
Cancellations made on or after 30 days prior to the trip are non refundable.
Why do we ask you to release us from liability?
By participating in any tour with us, or hiring us for any service, you agree that you will not hold us responsible for any accident, theft or negligence by us or any third parties.
The nature of travel in Cuba means the locations that we visit have inherent risks. We take you off the beaten track, we use classic cars from the 1950’s, we ride horses which are live & unpredictable animals, and there are so many aspects of the environment we can not control.
Traveling to Cuba means you will be in a country under a communist government. This has restrictions and life here can be incredibly challenging. Sometimes there are short-falls of basic products, including but not limited to water/food stuffs/petrol/flushing toilets/running water etc. Whilst we endeavour to always have reserve access to basic things, you agree that you will not hold us responsible for any lack of 1st world product that you might be used to at home.
We take as many precautions as we can, such as selecting safe drivers with high quality cars, using strong and well-cared for animals, but in a complex country such as Cuba, the roads and driving standards of locals can be more dangerous than home, the unexpected can happen, and there are no safety equipments like helmets available for purchase. You are coming here from your own free will and accept the hazards. We ask you to think of your trip with us as an ‘adventure’ rather than a ‘tour’, accepting the risks & cultural differences that this brings.
We strongly recommend to do your research on Cuba before traveling here, so you know what to expect. This is not a luxurious Caribbean island. Please read this useful blog post to determine whether you are suited to a trip to Cuba, as it really isn’t like any other country you’ll ever have been to.
By travelling with us you acknowledge and agree to the following statement:
I have voluntarily consented to participate in a tour, and the other outdoor activities (the “Activities”) guided or arranged by The Viñales Experience (also trading as Travels With Cassie) or any respective partner, staff, directors, and freelancer or supplier they hire, herein known as “The Company”).
I understand that the tour and all other hazards and exposures connected with related outdoor activities, involve risk of harm. I am aware of the risks and dangers inherent with the Activities, and I knowingly and willingly assume the risk of injury, including but not limited to injury that might result from a fall, slip, drowning, injury from any person or object such as (but not limited to) other tour participants, guides, drivers, trees, rocks, holes, rafts, boats, animals, food, bodies of water and other obstacles, whether obvious or not obvious. I agree that any bodily injury, death, or loss of personal property and expenses as a result of my negligence in the Activities or any other activity is my responsibility. In consideration of and as a part of the right to participate in the Activities with The Company, and any related party, including hotels, cruise companies, drivers, car hire companies, bike rental providers, local tour operators and freelance guides, and any respected landowner (hereinafter referred to jointly as “Members”). I agree and state that I am fully capable of participating in the Activities, I am in excellent health with no known handicaps that might hinder my full participation in the Activities, and I am fully capable of handling the hazards of an active tour, the traffic, weather conditions, walking, terrain and all and any similar conditions associated with said Activities.
As lawful consideration for being permitted by the Members to participate in the Activities, I release from any legal liability the Members and all of their officers, managers, organisations, agents, employees, successors and assigns for any and all losses, damages to property or body, including any injury, death or loss or damage caused by or resulting from my participation in the Activities whether or not such injury or death was caused by or resulting from their negligence or any other cause. I further agree not to sue, claim against, attach the property of, or prosecute Members and all of their officers, managers, affiliated organisations, agents, employees, freelancers, individuals, successors and assigns for any injury or death caused by or resulting from my participation in the Activities provided by Members whether or not such injury or death was caused by or resulting from their negligence or any other cause. I agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Members and all of their officers, managers, affiliated organisations, agents, employees, successors and assigns for any injury or death caused by or resulting from my participation in the Activities provided by Members whether or not such injury or death was caused by or resulting from their negligence or any other cause.
This contract shall be legally binding on me, my estate, heirs, assigns, legal guardians, and personal representatives. I have carefully read the above and fully understand its contents. I am aware that I am releasing certain rights that I may have, and enter into this contract of my own free will.
By reading this agreement, I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assume the risk that I am entirely responsible for or may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by attending this trip and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, suppliers volunteers, and program participants and their families. I voluntarily agree to assume all of the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any injury myself (including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, and death), illness, damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense, of any kind, that I may experience or incur in connection with my attendance.
All fares and prices quoted are subject to availability. Prices are subject to change until full payment is received. Prices that are quoted include all taxes and fees unless we advise otherwise.
TwC trips are priced based on a minimum group size that varies by trip, making the trips financially viable to operate. TwC reserves the right to cancel any trip if the trip does not attract the minimum number of clients required to make the trip financially viable. TwC will not cancel a trip due to minimum group size any later than 21 days prior to the commencement of the trip. In the event of cancellation, TwC shall not, in any case, be responsible for nonrefundable expenses incurred by the client, including, but not limited to airline cancellation fees or insurance purchases.
Alternatively, clients may choose to pay a small group surcharge that would be assessed to each guest in groups that fall below the minimum group size, which avoids us having to cancel the trip.
Cuban regulations requires that all travellers have comprehensive travel insurance covering medical emergencies, personal injury, personal property losses and trip cancellation expenses. You are also required (not just by us but by the Cuban government) to have adequate health insurance that will cover you should you become sick or injured during your time in Cuba. By purchasing a trip with us you are acknowledging that you have traveler insurance coverage and that we have no liability for any potential shortfalls in your coverage.
There may be changes in our itinerary due to circumstances beyond our control. By coming on a trip with us you acknowledge that these situations are a normal part of a travel experience, especially in a location like Cuba.
We expect that all participants on its trips are respectful of the laws, customs and culture of Cuba. Enjoy yourself, have fun, but respect your fellow travelers and the many Cubans you will meet. Cuba has a zero tolerance for drug use. Drones and many camera equipments are prohibited.
You are solely responsible for ensuring that your passport is current. Depending on your home country, please make sure you are compliant your specific regulations. If you cannot join the trip because of passport issues you will not be refunded any payments made to us.
You are responsible for purchasing your travel visa. We can advise but take no responsibility for errors made.
The tour participants permits TwC photographs, films, images, text, and participant testimonials for its own commercial use without compensation to participants.
By registering and paying for the trip, you fully agree to the above Terms and Conditions including Release and Waiver of Liability.