What To Do In Viñales, Cuba – the essentials
Updated in October 2024 Viñales is a small, slow town just under three hours west of Havana. It’s laced with colourful houses and surrounded by lush valleys and tobacco fields. There is a…
What To Do In Viñales, Cuba – with a twist
You’ve probably read my other post on ‘what to do in Vinales Cuba – the essentials’ and are wondering what this one is all about. Right? Well, this one is for the adventurous…
6 Extremely Annoying Cuban Habits
This one’s for those in the know. For those who have lived with a Cuban and who find themselves exasperated on a far too frequent basis, inundated daily with the most annoying Cuban…
Minimalist Living: how Cuba inspired me to live simply
Minimalist living is all about living with less. Less stuff, less financial burdens, less clutter both physically and mentally. But is it really just as simple as chucking out your old clothes? And…
Cubas reopening post COVID
2020 – an unexpected year that threw us all for six. The effects of COVID hit Cuba pretty hard, crippling the economy more than cases of the virus itself. The Cuban government was incredibly…
The raw guide to Havana: romance vs. reality
Updated in June 2024 Havana is most likely where you’ll start and finish your Cuban trip. It’s the capital of the island and it’s fundamental that you visit. It’s entirely oxymoronic, just like…
How to navigate scams in Cuba
Scams on tourists are extremely common in Cuba. Whether you’re male or female or anything in between, you’ll most likely come out of your Cuban trip with a new significant other, a branded…
Best time to travel to Cuba
Cuba is a great destination for year round travel. But different seasons do have different qualities so you’ll want to choose wisely depending on your preferences. There are essentially two seasons in Cuba:…
Bienvenidos, amigos
Bienvenidos, amigos and new readers. I’m Cassie and I used to live in Cuba. Viñales, to be precise. I now share my time between Cuba and England with my Cuban husband, and we’re…